
Get Addicted to Success - The Right Way

Acknowledging that success is a highly subjective term is key in putting yourself on the right track when it comes to setting goals and achieving them. It is important to recognize yourself as "successful" when you arrive at the desired milestone. Most of us create a new benchmark of success and get caught in an unhealthy cycle of unfulfillment.

Imbibing an attitude that forces you to stop comparing your growth with that of others around you helps in creating a satisfactory success standard, one that aims to gratify you personally and not the rest of the world. Half the battle is won, once you set a healthy touchstone of success. The following are some ways in which you can ensure your drive and desire to achieve success is always burning:-

1. Recognize your passion
It is important to know what you chase before you get on the race tracks. Once you identify your passion, there is no stopping you. If you align your success standard to your passion, you will be motivated to keep inching forward and will require no additional or external reminders to keep striving towards your chosen path. A good way to recognize your passion is realizing what intuitively makes you jump out of bed.

2. Make success a habit

It takes most people an average of 66 days to become habituated to a routine or way of life. It might be hard to jumpstart the process of making each second count towards your success, but if you keep at it, you’ll soon find yourself not knowing any better way to live.

3. Be around people who share in your dream

Millennials have it right when they say, “Find the tribe you vibe with.” Sharing your achievements, accomplishments and pitfalls with people who resonate with you and are working towards a similar state of success makes the process a whole lot easier. Celebrities move around similar social circles so that they serve as a healthy reminder to succeed whenever they meet.

4. Make daily goals and achieve them

Setting short-term goals is as important as realizing a concrete idea of what long-term success means to you. Daily milestones keep you inspired and help you taste the zeal of results in small amounts and in increased frequency.

5. Set a reasonable success standard

As Ralph Waldo Emerson rightly puts it, “Want is a growing giant whom the coat of Have was never large enough to cover.” You must keep your success wants within credible reach. Having a single, focused intention keeps you grounded towards one path, while having multiple growing wants leave you shuffling between many half-carved routes.


6. Chase significance and not success Most importantly, spend time in discerning the morality of the outcome of your goal. For instance, decide to be a doctor, not because it is a safe job that guarantees high earnings, but because of an innate desire to help people heal, recover and be healthy. Chasing significance will make the road to success worth your while and represent not only your success but also that of your society.